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How CyberSmart Are You?

Is your cyber world secure? Take this quiz and see how well you fare.
What does "HTTPS://" mean as opposed to "HTTP://"?

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The site has superior high definition
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The site is not accessible to specific computers
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None of the above
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The site is secure, and your information is encrypted
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The site is the newest version available
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Which Organization is the most vulnerable to hacking?

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Black market websites with strong cybersecurity
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School or Government websites
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Charitable organizations with weak cybersecurity
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What is the weakest link in cybersecurity?

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Short passwords
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Weak encryption
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Which of the following is an example of a "phishing" attack?

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All of the above
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Sending someone a text message that contains a malicious link that is disguised to look like a notification that the person has won a contest
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Sending someone an email that contains a malicious link that is disguised to look like an email from someone the person knows
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Creating a fake website that looks nearly identical to a real website in order to trick users into entering their login information
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Turning off the GPS function of your smartphone prevents any location tracking.

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The best way to minimize your digital footprint is to:

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None of the above
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Post less on social media
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Both A and B
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Take fewer pictures with your smartphone
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Travel less with your smartphone
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Can Internet service providers see your online activities when you are using private browsing/incognito windows?

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Public Wi-Fi networks that require an access password are safe to use for sensitive activities such as online banking.

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A group of computers that is networked together and used by hackers to steal information is called a …

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Operating System
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What is the best way to secure a weak password like "monkey123"?

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Add an uppercase character and a special character, such as $
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Enable two-factor authentication
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None of the above
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Don't reuse it anywhere else, or share with anyone
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