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Do You Need A Helping Hand?

Most Accountants have more tasks than time. Find out if you need a helping hand.
I need help with some projects and ongoing work, but I don't need a full-time employee.
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I spend more time on repetitive, admin tasks than I do on client-facing work.
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I do not feel comfortable delegating work to others.
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I have unrealistic expectations of how long a task takes.
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I do not find it easy to ask for and accept help or advice in areas outside my expertise.
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I often miss out on social activities because I am trying to catch up on my work.
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I set deadlines but am often interrupted by urgent, non-revenue generating tasks.
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My calendar is a mess! I often double book.
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I need more time to focus on my core business functions.
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My family often sacrifices their lifestyle to help me succeed.
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You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%

If you scored higher than 15, you may need an extra helping hand, and the place to turn to is TASK Virtual Assistant. By getting a virtual assistant, you will be able to keep your business flowing without having to do the extra work or hire another full-time employee.

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You got a score of %%YOURSCORE%% out of %%TOTALSCORE%%

Congratulations! You know the way to success is through work-life balance! You know your limits and when to call in the calvary. Hiring a TASK Virtual Assistant before your tasks become a chaotic mess will help keep you on track.

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