
time management

7 Strategies For More Productivity

7 Strategies For More Productivity (and why they work!)

time management
virtual assistant

One of the most difficult things about planning your day effectively is prioritizing your daily goals. With so many things that we want to accomplish each day, it can be tough to decide where to start. I’ve put together eight different strategies and why they work. Choose the best one for you, or mix them up. There is no right or wrong way as long as you make the most of your time and achieve your goals!

The Warren Buffet Strategy

This strategy has three steps:

Step 1: Write down your top twenty-five goals. These could be career goals, personal goals, weekly goals, annual goals, etc.)

Step 2: Go over your list and circle your top 5 goals. Make sure to take some time with this part; don’t rush it!

STOP – Do NOT proceed to Step 3 until you have first done the two steps above.

Step 3: Now you essentially have two lists: the circled items are List A, and the remaining items are List B. So logically, the next thing to do is start on your most important tasks. Well, not exactly. Here’s the catch – Buffet says this, “Everything you didn’t circle just became your Avoid-At-All-Costs list. No matter what, these things get no attention from you until you’ve succeeded with your Top 5.” For Step 3, you only want to focus on working on the items on List A.

Why it works:

Eliminating things you care about is the most difficult part of this productivity method. Those twenty items on List B are things you care about, just like the items on List A. They are tasks that important to you for one reason or another. It’s super easy to tell yourself that you’re being productive while spending time on those twenty tasks. But when you hold them up to your top five goals, those other tasks are simply distractions from your biggest goals. Spending your limited time on secondary priorities may just be the reason you still have twenty half-completed projects instead of five finished ones.

The Ivy Lee Strategy

Step 1: At the end of each day, jot down the six most important tasks you must accomplish the next day. ONLY six. Don’t write more than that. These can be work or personal tasks. (You could actually do a separate list for both!)

Step 2: Prioritize those six tasks in order of how important they are and how much they will impact your end goals.

Step 3: The next day, when you start working, focus ONLY on the first task. Work on it until it is finished before you move on to the next item on the list.

Step 4: Continue down the list, marking off each item as you complete it. Remember, you prioritized this list yesterday, so there’s no need to jump around between tasks – stick with the priority order you already lined up.

Step 5: At the end of the day, move any tasks you didn’t complete to a new list of six tasks for the next day. This is also a good time to re-evaluate each item and decide if it’s really one of the most important tasks you need to complete.

Step 6: Repeat this process every day (or every working day)

Why does it work?

Simply put, it works because it’s simple. This strategy requires you to make hard decisions. Trimming the fat is one of the best things you can do when your brain is full of ideas or you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list. It forces you to get really serious with yourself when you focus on eliminating those tasks that aren’t absolutely necessary. We all have a myriad of things we’d like to do, and we may even consider many of those things to be tasks we must do. But the truth is that imposing limits on yourself can make you a more productive person. If you try to do everything, you usually get nothing meaningful accomplished.

This strategy also eliminates the friction of starting. For most people, getting started is the biggest hurdle! Creating your prioritized list the day before allows you just to sit down and get to work the next day without spending hours waffling back and forth about what to work on. Just getting started is as important to your success as finishing.

Finally, effective productivity strategies require focus, and this strategy works because it gets rid of multi-tasking. As much as people like to think they are multi-tasking machines that can accomplish all the things at once, science says otherwise. Multi-tasking has been shown repeatedly to be inefficient. You can’t do great on the task when your attention is divided a million ways.

The Anthony Trollope Strategy

This strategy is even more simple than the others. Trollope simply did the following:

Step 1: Set a timer for 15 minutes.

Step 2: Write 250 words before the timer goes off.

Step 3: Repeat 12 times throughout the day for a total of 3 hours.

With this simple method, Trollope completed 47 novels, 18 non-fiction books, 12 short stories, and 2 plays, in addition to multiple articles and letters.

This division of time allowed me to produce over ten pages of an ordinary novel volume a day, and if kept up through ten months, would have given as its results three novels of three volumes each in the year…” —Anthony Trollope

Why does it work?

Anthony Trollope was an author (obviously), and writing a book is a pretty big project. It’s impossible to complete in one sitting, much less one day. So instead of tracking progress by how many books or chapters he wrote, Trollope simply aimed for 250 words in 15 minutes, multiple times a day. This made him feel accomplished and successful each day because, even though he wasn’t writing an ENTIRE book that day, he was completing 3,000 words towards the overall project daily.

Measuring progress in smaller increments helps you to keep the momentum going throughout a bigger task. And more momentum means more progress, which means even more tasks will get completed overall. This strategy applies to any big projects, not just writing ones. Think about how you can break your tasks out into highly productive, 15-minute segments throughout the day.

The quicker you finish a task and check it off of your to-do list, the faster you will feel like you are being productive and effective each day. This early win can be a crucial part of keeping your attitude upbeat, and your drive going as you complete the remainder of your tasks throughout the day.

Simply put, Anthony Trollope’s strategy allows you to get the immediate payoff of finishing a task quickly and the long-term value of working on your most important goals.

The Eisenhower Matrix Strategy

The Eisenhower Matrix strategy uses a decision matrix to help you prioritize the tasks on your to-do list. There are four different categories: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important.

Urgent and important – these are tasks you need to do right away

Important, but not urgent – these are tasks you should schedule to do later

Urgent, but not important – these are tasks you can (and should!) delegate to someone else

Neither urgent nor important – these are tasks that you should just remove from your to-do list completely

As you start each day, it’s important to look back at the previous day’s matrix to see what urgent and important tasks you didn’t complete. Those need to either be at the top of your list for the day or decide if you can delegate them right away. Or they aren’t as urgent as you initially thought, and you can move them to the section of the matrix for later scheduling. Remember, urgent tasks are those you need to react to or take action on right away, whereas important tasks help you reach your long-term goals.

Why does it work?

One of the best things about the Eisenhower Matrix is that you can use more than one for bigger plans (weekly, monthly, etc.) and for smaller daily tasks as well. The other great thing about it is that you can use it to help you make decisions and prioritize over and over.

But what really makes it shine? The Eisenhower Matrix requires you to make tough decisions about your goals and all the tasks on your plate. The secret is the fourth quadrant of the matrix, the tasks that are not important or urgent.

Too often, we equate busyness with productivity, and that is not the case. In fact, the fastest way to get something “done” is to eliminate it entirely. This strategy allows you to regularly evaluate each task and ask yourself, “Do I really need to be doing this?” It takes a little more thought and effort, but the time and energy you save on those eliminated tasks will be well worth it!

The Essentialism Strategy

Essentialism, at its core, is about discernment in how you make decisions – with a slow, carefully considered “yes” or a quick, decisive “no.” It’s about recognizing all of your responsibilities and homing in on what is most essential to you. Being more intentional about your choices will give you more control over your daily life and, therefore, more time and energy available for productivity.

Step 1: Write each task down on a separate piece of paper (like a sticky note).

Step 2: Look at everything you have written before you and ask yourself, “If I could only keep one of these, which would it be?” Place the chosen task’s paper face down.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 again with the remaining tasks. Once you’ve selected one, place it face down on top of the first task you selected.

Step 4: Repeat until all the papers are in one stack.

Step 5: Flip the stack over and work from the top, as you’ve just prioritized your to-do list!

Why does it work?

Saying “yes” to everything (or making no decision at all) means giving up your choice and losing control. Your purpose is greater than just being someone else’s workhorse. When you don’t make your own choices, you can’t work towards where you want to be, in either work or life. This often results in being overextended, stressed, frustrated, and less effective. Practicing discernment and saying “no” more frequently can take some work, but it gets easier as you go.

Personal Kanban Strategy

Personal Kanban is a system based on Lean manufacturing principles but applied on a personal level. Personal Kanban only has two rules: make your list visual and limit your work-in-progress (WIP). It’s a strategy that anyone can use, regardless of their situation, age, or learning style. Its visual nature is also great for those struggling with figuring out where to begin working on daily tasks.

Step 1: Create a board or poster with three columns: To-Do, In Progress, and Complete.

Step 2: Make a sticky note (also called a “card”) for each thing you need to complete.

Step 3: Add each sticky note to the To-Do column.

Step 4: Label each sticky note task as high, medium, or low priority

Step 5: Choose 2-3 tasks, place them in the In Progress column, and get to work.

Step 6: Move it to the Complete column as you complete each task. Then take another task from the To-Do column and move it over to In Progress.

Step 7: Rinse and repeat.

Why does it work?

Personal Kanban gives you a visual system to prioritize your tasks to promote balance and productivity. People often overextend themselves or bounce between unfinished products, so having a visual reminder of the In Progress tasks helps keep you on track and focused. Make sure to always move a new task into the In Progress column as you complete other tasks. This ensures that you will have a steady flow of tasks, which leads to increased productivity and effectiveness. It’s also a great way to keep you focused on only 2-3 tasks at any given time, helping prevent overwhelm and burnout.

The Attention Span & Energy Strategy

This strategy utilizes block scheduling to maximize your most productive times during the day. Your attention span and energy levels greatly impact productivity and distractibility. Focusing on harder and more time-consuming tasks during your most alert and productive hours will yield much better results.

Step 1: Evaluate your current calendar/schedule – Start by tracking how you spend your time for a week. Include every activity (even the mindless social media scrolling!) and how much time you spend on each thing. Once you have a better idea of how you are spending your time, it will be much easier to create a new, more efficient schedule.

Step 2: Look for patterns – Review your activities from the previous week and group the tasks into categories such as meetings, creative work, email, social media, household tasks, family time, etc. Alternatively, you can categorize tasks based on how you feel while doing them or how they impact your energy levels on a scale from 1 to 10. Any method will work; it’s all about what makes the most sense for you.

Step 3: Organize your time blocks – Use the categorization in Step 2 to help you lay out blocks of time throughout the day. Be sure to plan the most intensive tasks during your high-energy times. You may have to play around with the schedule to find what works best for you, but here’s an example for inspiration:

8:00-9:00 am – Check and respond to emails
9:00-10:00 am – Marketing tasks
10:00-10:15 am – Snack/walk break
10:15 am-10:45 am – Fold laundry and clean bathrooms
10:45-11:45 am – Phone calls
11:45-12:15 pm – Lunch/walk break
12:15-1:00 pm – Prep things for dinner
1:00-2:00 pm – Outsourcing check-ins/assignments
2:00-2:30 pm – Customer support tasks
2:30-3:30 pm – Graphic design work
3:30-4:00 pm – Evaluate today’s progress and create a schedule for tomorrow

Bonus Tip: Create day themes – some people find that switching gears during the day causes them to get distracted and lose focus. If that’s the case for you, try day themes instead. Monday can be marketing day, Tuesday can be a creative workday, etc. If you choose to go this route, be sure to schedule in a family/rest day as well to rejuvenate yourself.

Why does it work?

Block scheduling can be a great tool to combat procrastination. When you know you only have 30 minutes to get something done, staying focused and on task is much easier. It’s also a good way to get a better grasp of how much time it takes you to complete different tasks. We tend to underestimate how long things will take to complete – using a block schedule for a few weeks will give you a better idea of how much time you really need to complete things. Finally, when your schedule doesn’t allow space for mindless tasks like chatting with friends or scrolling social media, you’ll find it much easier to pay attention to the task at hand.

And finally, Newton’s Third Law of Motion says,

“When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body. (Equal and opposite forces.)”

When it comes to enhancing your productivity and efficiency, you have two paths to choose from. The first path involves amplifying your productive forces; however, this can sometimes lead to exhaustion and burnout. The second path, and perhaps the smarter one, is to concentrate on removing the unproductive forces from your life. Think of it as clearing away the clutter on your path to success. By doing so, you will reduce stress, lighten your load of responsibilities, embrace a healthier lifestyle, and set clear boundaries. It's all about dismantling the barriers that obstruct your progress.

If you're ready to take a proactive step towards reclaiming your productivity and achieving more, consider the immense benefits of hiring a virtual assistant. By entrusting time-consuming tasks and administrative burdens to a skilled VA, you'll free yourself to focus on your core strengths and passions, boosting your productive forces without the risk of burnout. It's a strategic move that can help you eliminate those unproductive forces from your work-life equation, propelling you toward greater efficiency and success.

Take action today and discover how a virtual assistant can be the missing link in your journey to enhanced productivity. Let's chat and explore the possibilities together.

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Overcoming Procrastination: Unleash Your Business’s Full Potential


Overcoming Procrastination: Unleash Your Business's Full Potential

virtual assistant

Picture this: you've got a big project due, a game-changing idea waiting to be executed, and a task list that seems to have multiplied overnight. Yet, there you are, scrolling through your social media feed, reorganizing your desk for the umpteenth time, or suddenly developing an intense craving for a snack. Ah, procrastination, you sly little trickster.

But let's get real for a moment. Procrastination might feel like a harmless indulgence, a way to escape the pressure of looming tasks temporarily. But in the world of business, it's like playing with fire. When you consistently put off important tasks, you're delaying your progress, missing out on opportunities, and sabotaging your growth.

Think about it – missed deadlines can damage your reputation, hinder team collaboration, and even lead to financial losses. Not to mention that brilliant idea you've been sitting on? While you're procrastinating, someone else might swoop in and turn it into the next big thing. Trust me, the dangers of procrastination are real, and they're not to be taken lightly.

Ready to banish procrastination? Below are seven tips on how to kick procrastination to the curb and supercharge your business game.

Break It Down: One of the biggest reasons we procrastinate is because tasks seem overwhelming. The secret sauce? Break them down into smaller, manageable steps. The task will feel less daunting, and you get a sense of accomplishment with each mini-victory.

Set SMART Goals: Define your goals with precision - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-dependent. When you have a crystal-clear vision of what you're working toward, staying focused and motivated is more manageable. Remember, a ship without a destination is just afloat in the sea.

Prioritize and Time Block: Not all tasks are created equal. Prioritize your task list and use time-blocking techniques for each task. It's like making appointments with yourself to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

Eliminate Distractions: Your social media feed, the irresistible call of the fridge, or that sudden urge to tidy up – distractions are procrastination's best friend. Identify your triggers and create a dedicated workspace that minimizes these distractions.

Reward Yourself: Positive reinforcement works wonders! Set up a reward system for yourself. Complete a task? Treat yourself to something you enjoy.

Responsibility Ally: Share your goals with a friend, mentor, or colleague who can hold you accountable. Knowing that someone is checking in on your progress can light a fire under you.

Mindset Makeover: Change your perspective on tasks. Instead of dreading them, focus on the satisfaction and growth that comes from completing them. Remember, you're building a legacy here!

Say farewell to procrastination and welcome productivity with open arms. Your business reflects your dedication, drive, and determination, so why settle for less than your best? Implement these tips, stay focused, and watch your business soar into a remarkable success story!

Want more tips on boosting productivity and building a business empire? Head over to The TaskVA Library for a treasure trove of wisdom to fuel your journey!

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focus, goals

7 Powerful Tips to Stay Focused On Success

7 Powerful Tips to Stay Focused On Success

virtual assistant

Does this sound familiar: You start the day with a goal – Stay focused and get through your task list. Fast forward to 5 o’clock, and it seems your day has disappeared! You’ve been at your desk for eight hours, and your task list does not have one item crossed off! Distractions today make it challenging to stay focused - social networking, computer games, television, mobile devices, Tik Tok! Even if you don’t give in to those distractions, there are life distractions - kids, household chores, errands. So with all these distractions, how do you stay focused on success?

With the right mindset and strategies, you can stay focused and resolute on your path to achieving greatness. Below are seven powerful tips for maintaining your focus on success.

Set Clear Goals and Prioritize: Start by setting clear, achievable goals for your business. Break them down into smaller, actionable steps. Prioritize these tasks based on their impact and urgency. By having a well-defined roadmap, you will have a sense of direction and be more focused on what matters most.

Positive Affirmation

I am laser-focused on my goals, and each step I take brings me closer to success.

Create a Daily Routine:  Establishing a daily routine can work wonders in maintaining focus and productivity. Allocate specific time blocks for essential tasks, including planning, strategizing, networking, and actual work. Stick to this routine diligently, as it helps build a sense of discipline and consistency.

Helpful Advice: Routines provide structure and stability, empowering us to make steady progress toward our dreams.

Embrace the Power of No:  As an entrepreneur, you will encounter numerous opportunities, collaborations, and projects. While it may be tempting to say yes to everything, it’s crucial to learn to say no to distractions that deviate you from your primary objectives.

Positive Affirmation

I confidently say no to distractions and remain focused on my path to success.

Limit Distractions and Set Boundaries:  Identify your biggest distractions and take proactive steps to limit their impact. It could be excessive social media use, unproductive meetings, or a cluttered workspace. Additionally, set boundaries with friends and family during dedicated work hours to maintain focus.

Helpful Advice: Create a focused environment, free from distractions, allowing unhindered focus on our business.

Develop a Growth Mindset:  View challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Embrace the idea that failures are stepping stones toward success. A growth mindset fosters resilience and enables you to stay focused, even during tough times.

Positive Affirmation

I am adaptable and resilient, and I see every obstacle as a chance to learn and improve.

Seek Support and Mentorship:  Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who understand the "CEO" journey. Join networking groups, attend seminars, and seek mentorship from experienced accountants and other small business owners. Having a supportive network will keep you motivated and on track.

Helpful Advice: Actively seek support from mentors and peers, know that success thrives in a community.

Take Breaks and Practice Self Care:  Remember to take breaks and recharge regularly. Burning out will only hinder your progress. Engage in activities you enjoy, exercise, meditate, or spend quality time with loved ones. A rejuvenated mind is more focused and productive.

Positive Affirmation

I honor my well-being and take breaks when needed, knowing that it enhances my productivity and creativity.

Staying focused on your journey is vital to your success. Embrace the power of clear goals, daily routines, and the ability to say no to distractions. Cultivate a growth mindset, seek support from a like-minded community, and prioritize self-care. Integrating these strategies into your entrepreneurial life will pave the way for prosperity and fulfillment on your path to success. Remember, focus on the destination and enjoy the journey, for it is the process that shapes the greatness within you.

Not sure where your time is being spent? Download our FREE Time Management workbook and learn:

✓ How to identify things that waste your time

✓ How to determine what is getting done and if it's the right things

✓ How to better organize your priorities

✓ How to plan your days, weeks, and months to reach your yearly goals

✓ How to improve your focus and productivity

✓ How to stop procrastinating habits and patterns so you get more done in less time

 …and a whole lot more!

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burnout prevention strategies

Burnout Prevention Strategies for a Productive Summer

burnout prevention strategies

Burnout Prevention Strategies for a Productive Summer

virtual assistant

It's time to buckle up and embrace the sunnier side of life while ensuring we don't get burned out during these hot summer months. After all, the only thing that should burn in the summer are hot dogs and smores! Summer is a time to be carefree, not bogged down with stress-filled days! But we all know, as the temperature rises, so does the risk of burnout. Fear not all you hardworking small business owners, accountants, and CEOs! I am about to equip you with some fun and impactful strategies to keep your cool and prevent burnout while enjoying the summer to the fullest.

1. "Summerizing" Your Work Routine

Before you dip your toes in the sandy shores, it's essential to fine-tune your work routine to align with the summer spirit. Embrace flexibility and encourage your team to do the same. Introduce summer hours, allowing everyone to beat the traffic and leave a little earlier to soak up the sunshine.

2. Sun-Kissed Workspaces

Let's bring the summer vibes indoors! Spruce up your workspace with summery decor and vibrant colors. Incorporate a few tropical plants, hang up some beach-themed art, or even swap out your office chair for a hammock (okay, maybe not that far!). A visually appealing workspace can make a huge difference in mood and productivity.

3. Flip Flops and Focus

It's easy to get distracted during the summer months, dreaming of lazy beach days. Combat this by setting clear goals and breaking tasks into manageable chunks. Consider adopting the Pomodoro Technique – work diligently for 25 minutes, then reward yourself with a short break to daydream about your next summer adventure!

4. Cool Off with Summer Self-Care

Think of self-care as your sunscreen protecting you from burnout. Take advantage of the warm weather to indulge in some outdoor self-care activities. Go for a refreshing swim, take a stroll in the park, or have an impromptu ice cream break with your team. Remember, self-care is the key to maintaining a sunny disposition. And don't forget the sunscreen!

5. Chill Out with Team Building

Summer is the perfect time to bring your team closer together. Plan some fun team-building activities to foster camaraderie and create lasting memories. These activities will strengthen team bonds and improve morale, from picnics and outdoor games to virtual summer-themed trivia.

6. Sip on the Lemonade of Mindfulness

When things get heated, take a moment to cool off with mindfulness practices. Mindfulness helps you stay present, reduce stress, and make better decisions. Start your day with a few minutes of mindful meditation or practice deep breathing during a quick shade break. Trust me; it's like a sip of lemonade for your mind!

7. Beat Burnout with Short Getaways

I know running a small business is demanding, but don't forget to take some time off for yourself. Plan short getaways or staycations to recharge your batteries. Whether it's a weekend at a nearby beach resort or exploring hidden gems in your own city, a change of scenery can do wonders for your well-being.

8. Delegate and Dive into Your Passions

Are you stuck in the office while summer days pass you by? Delegate tasks to your team members and free up some time to pursue your passions. Whether it's photography, surfing, or baking delicious summer treats, diving into your interests will rejuvenate your mind and keep burnout at bay.

9. Celebrate Summer Successes

Celebrate your achievements – big or small – with a summer-themed flair. Host an ice cream social after hitting that revenue target, or throw a luau-inspired party to celebrate a successful project. Recognizing and celebrating wins will motivate your team and keep the momentum going.

Summer should be a time of fun, sun, and relaxation. As small business owners, it's crucial to strike a balance between work and play during these warm months. By "summerizing" your work routine, incorporating self-care, and engaging in team-building activities, you'll be better equipped to prevent burnout and fully embrace the summer vibe.

Now go flip-flop your way through summer with a smile on your face and an unwavering passion for what you do.

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know the signs of burnout

Know The Signs Of Burnout

know the signs of burnout

Know The Signs Of Burnout

virtual assistant

Burnout is often mistaken for being overworked, burning the candle at both ends, all work, no play, you get the idea. And while yes, all those can and will lead to burnout, it's also important to know there are other factors, such as hating your job, your situation, or not getting the support or appreciation you need from others. Recognizing the warning signs of burnout is crucial to prevent it from spiraling out of control.

Before we dive into recognizing burnout, let's understand what it actually is. Burnout is a state of chronic physical and emotional exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. Small business professionals, like Accountants and CPAs, often find themselves working long hours, managing tight deadlines, and handling demanding clients, which can take a toll on mental and physical health.

Here are some common signs to watch out for:

Disturbed sleep patterns, persistent fatigue, insomnia

The relentless cycle of thoughts about work can disrupt your sleep patterns and leave you persistently fatigued. Don't ignore these warning signs, as they could be indicators that you are either experiencing burnout or approaching it. It's crucial to address this issue promptly to prevent further deterioration of your mental and physical well-being.

Get checked out by your doctor to ensure you don't have any physical reason that keeps you up at night. Then try meditating, or deep breathing exercises, twice a day. Five minutes in the morning and 5-10 minutes at night before bedtime. Also, ensure you get some physical exertion during the day - a 30-minute walk will help your brain turn off the daytime drama.

Frequent headaches, muscle pain

These physical manifestations are often a result of the body's response to prolonged stress. As individuals push themselves beyond their limits, their bodies begin to suffer the consequences. If you are experiencing frequent headaches and muscle pain, it is essential to take immediate action.

Seek support from healthcare professionals or contact trusted individuals who can guide you during this challenging time. Remember, addressing burnout is not a sign of weakness but rather a proactive step towards regaining control over your life.

Weakened immune system, frequent illnesses

The thing about mental and emotional distress, they can lead to physical illness. You can become more susceptible to colds and infections because your defenses are down. If you're suddenly getting sick for no reason, it could be a sign to look at your self-care routine.

Set boundaries and establish a healthy work-life balance. Ignoring or downplaying burnout symptoms can lead to further complications and hinder one's ability to function effectively in both personal and professional settings.

Difficulty concentrating and decreased productivity

This can be directly related to fatigue and insomnia. When you can’t sleep well or concentrate, it is natural that you may forget things, not work fast as you did before, and have difficulty making decisions.

Take regular breaks that involve some physical activity 2-3 times during the day, and try some stretching exercises or yoga.

Increased irritability or impatience

When you are experiencing the brunt of burnout, you may act out with hostility due to being disillusioned about business and life. You may micromanage your employees or show annoyance towards a client. If you are not enjoying it and feel like you never will, you may be in burnout.

First, prioritize stress management. Regularly engage in physical activity to release endorphins and combat stress. Take regular breaks and vacations to recharge and rejuvenate. Then work with your team. Delegate tasks and collaborate with your team to distribute workload effectively. Fostering a supportive work environment can significantly contribute to preventing burnout. Encourage open communication, provide resources for well-being, and advocate for policies that prioritize work-life balance and mental health.

Feelings of cynicism, detachment, or apathy

When burnout gets really bad, you might want to pull away from others due to not caring about anything. If you feel like your actions don’t matter, it can lead to hopelessness.

If you find yourself self-isolating or feeling like it will never get better, talk to someone. Reach out to colleagues, mentors, or support groups to discuss your feelings and challenges. Consider seeking professional help from therapists or counselors if needed.

Recognizing and taking action to overcome burnout is essential for accountants and CPAs to sustain their well-being and excel in their professional lives. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Reach out for support, practice self-care, and prioritize your mental and physical health. By doing so, you can restore balance, find fulfillment, and continue to thrive!

If you feel depressed or find yourself idealizing death, please seek professional medical care. You can call the US National Suicide hotline to get help at 1-800-273-8255 or Talk Suicide Canada at 1-833-456-4566.

Trying to do it all?  Imagine if you could get rid of all the time-wasting tasks that clog up your schedule, and just focus on what matters most to your business. Sounds good, right?

Contact me at for more information, or schedule a quick 15-minute chat.

Take our quiz and see if you need a helping hand

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connecting with clients, customer care

The Importance of Connecting With Clients

The Importance of Connecting With Clients

virtual assistant

Let's talk about the importance of connecting with your clients and why building meaningful relationships through trust, communication, and understanding is vital for any thriving business, but I firmly believe it is crucial for the success of an accounting business.

In today's fast-paced and competitive world, establishing a genuine connection with your clients goes beyond just providing a product or service. It's about creating a bond that goes deeper, fostering trust, and showing them that you genuinely care about their needs and aspirations.

It is vital to connect with your accounting clients and be there to answer all of their questions. The people who come to you for professional help do so because you deliver something that they cannot or do not want to handle on their own. They're hoping that you can fulfill their needs somehow, and they look to you as an expert guide. Naturally, therefore, they require your help in solving their problems.

So when your potential clients decide that it's time to fork over their hard-earned cash to solicit your support that brings them closer to their goals, they're always going to search for that one intangible thing, trust.

One of the key elements in building strong client relationships is trust. Trust forms the foundation upon which a successful business relationship is built. When clients trust you, they feel confident in your abilities and have faith that you'll deliver on your promises. Trust develops over time through consistent, reliable performance and transparent communication. By following through on your commitments and being honest and transparent in your dealings, you demonstrate that you value their trust.

✨They want to trust your expertise and your ability to solve their challenge.

✨They want to trust that you're keeping their needs on the highest priority.

✨They want to trust that you will provide high value with your services.

✨They want to trust that you won't rip them off

✨They want to trust that you won't do something unethical in your business dealings with them.

And the best way to build that trust is through communication.

Effective communication involves actively listening to your client's needs, concerns, and feedback. By taking the time to understand their unique requirements, you can tailor your services to meet their specific expectations. Clear and open lines of communication allow for a better exchange of ideas, leading to improved collaboration and problem-solving. Regularly checking in with your clients and keeping them informed about progress or any changes in your business helps build rapport and demonstrates that you value their input.

Your clients want to get the sense that you are "with them" every step of the way. Use the below steps as a guide to help you deliver effective communication that reaches your client at key points in your project or process:

1️⃣ Kick-off with a getting-to-know-you dialog. Keep the conversation about the client and their wants and needs.

2️⃣  Keep your client engaged at all times. The dialogue doesn't end after the introductions and proverbial or literal handshake.

3️⃣  After the intro conversation, guide your clients through the phases of the business you are handling for them or the transaction you are carrying out on their behalf.

Understanding your client is essential for providing exceptional service. It's crucial to take the time to learn about their industry, their goals, and their pain points. When you can demonstrate a deep understanding of their challenges and provide tailored solutions, you position yourself as a trusted advisor and a valuable resource. This level of understanding can only be achieved through active engagement and ongoing relationship-building efforts.

Building meaningful relationships with clients also leads to long-term loyalty. When clients feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to remain loyal to your business and refer you to others. Word-of-mouth referrals are a powerful way to expand your client base and enhance your reputation. By going the extra mile to create a positive experience for your clients, you can foster a network of satisfied customers who become advocates for your brand.

Connecting with clients on a deeper level by establishing trust, fostering open communication, and understanding their unique needs is essential for any successful business. By investing time and effort in building meaningful relationships, you can create a solid foundation for growth, loyalty, and mutual success. Remember, it's not just about the transaction; it's about building lasting partnerships that stand the test of time.

We offer Customer Care Packages customized to put your clients at the forefront of your priority list!

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customer care

High-Touch Customer Care

customer care

High-Touch Customer Care

virtual assistant

Gary Vaynerchuk, serial entrepreneur and one of the most sought-after public speakers today, has stated that the best marketing strategy ever is to simply care, and high-touch marketing shows that you care.

Now imagine if you took that same marketing strategy and used it in your customer care program.

High Touch, as defined by, is dealing with or interacting with a human being as opposed to transacting with computers or high-tech.

High-touch customer care focuses on human interaction, dealing with or interacting with your clients as human beings in a personal and empathetic way using low-tech methods.

High-touch involves ensuring that you increase the human factor in all your client-facing efforts. Even though most of your business may be conducted online today, your customers still value social interaction, and because of this fact, high-touch methods can be the differentiator for your accounting firm.

As an Accountant or CPA, there is one thing that can set your business apart from the giant multinational corporate firms - the individual care you can give a client. You can offer a better experience to your clients because you understand their journey and how it relates to what you can offer them at that point in terms of service and education. By prioritizing a personalized approach, you can create an unrivaled customer experience that not only sets you apart from competitors but also fosters loyalty and trust and ultimately drives your bottom line.

High-touch consists of creating hyper-personalized experiences for your clients.

Clients value experiences today more than ever in the history of humans. The great thing is that you can do that more easily because, as a small Accounting firm, you are able to personalize the client experience, individually. The hard part is developing that experience, virtually.

Many Accountants and CPAs had to pivot to a virtual environment during the Covid-19 Pandemic, and, as a result, those online businesses and websites had a more attentive audience.  Now that restrictions have lifted and people are slowly returning to a life outside their home, and away from the computer, you want to be careful with how you nurture that audience; finding the correct balance to keeping their attention, without coming across as a used-car salesman.

Clients Want to Feel Special

The higher value client experience will translate into your customers feeling like VIPs.

When clients feel like very important people, they are more willing to pay more for that upgraded experience. People will pay for value, and feeling special makes them feel important.

By taking the time to listen, empathize, and engage with your customers truly, you demonstrate a genuine commitment to their satisfaction. This personalized approach not only enhances their overall experience but also builds a strong emotional connection, creating excitement and passion because they are getting more of what they really want from you, making them more likely to become brand advocates and repeat customers.

The most important marketing skill you have is to listen to your clients.

Really get to know your client.  Read all correspondence between your firm and the client. Take notes about their problems, issues, and happiness. Fill in the information in your client file as you discover it.

Using your client files, create a full profile for each of your top clients that include their name, demographics, family information, services they receive from you and potential areas of growth, communication history, social media profiles, websites, and more. The more information you can find that is relevant to your offerings, the better.

Do make sure to set a schedule for learning about your top clients, as doing this can be remarkably interesting but quite time-consuming.

Create personalized interactive communities for your VIP customers to join and really bring the conversation with your best clients to a new level. Bring your clients closer to you so that you can help them more and they can learn more. The more open you are, and the more they learn from you, the more likely they are going to stick around when you announce your price increases.

Another way to get to know your clients is through their websites.  Find their websites if they have them based on the information you can find in your system. If they do not have websites, that’s okay. You can find out information by who they follow on social media, and the sites they like to visit.

Social Media is Not a One-Way Virtual Street...

Friend/Follow their social media. Ensure that you follow or friend them based on the information they have given to you. If you discover that you do not have that much information on them, see if you can find them following you on your social media platforms so you can follow them back. If not, invite them to follow you so you can follow them back. Quick side note here - hiring a social media manager can greatly help with this task!!

High-touch customer care is using personalized marketing methods that provide a lot of human touchpoints and can easily be incorporated into your business model by:

More Segmentation – The more you can segment your audience, the better. Using the technology to break down your customers into smaller, more personalized groups will help you develop the right offers as well as content to market those offers.

Extreme Personalization – With extreme personalization, it can’t be automated. This is going to include doing things just for one client at a time. For example, sending a thank you note in the mail after they sign on.

Personal Phone Calls – Give your clients a call to thank them and offer your personal help. Most of the time, you’ll end up leaving a message, but they’ll still feel super special getting a call of thanks from you.

Relationship Building – Find out who your top ten clients are and focus on following them on social media and interacting with them more. You can also send surveys to incorporate technology in helping build the relationships closer.

Customized Packages and Offers – Develop a special offer that is just for your top ten. Talk to them and let them tell you what they want, then give it to them.

Ultimately, high-touch customer care is all about super personalized marketing that provides a way for you to include your unique human touch for your clients - all of them, not just the top ten.

Implementing high-touch customer care and personalized marketing strategies is truly a win-win for your business. By investing in these practices, you demonstrate your commitment to exceptional customer service, earning the trust and loyalty of your clientele. In return, your customers reward you with increased engagement, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth referrals. Additionally, through personalized marketing, you optimize your marketing efforts, ensuring maximum impact and return on investment.

Wondering if you need a virtual assistant? Imagine if you could get rid of all the time-wasting tasks that clog up your schedule and just focus on what matters most to your business. Sounds good, right?

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defining a virtual assistant

Getting the Help You Need Virtually

defining a virtual assistant

Getting the Help You Need Virtually

virtual assistant

In today's fast-paced business world, accountants and Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) often find themselves overwhelmed by a multitude of tasks. Keeping up with all of the routines can be difficult. There are fifty million things to accomplish in one day with too little time and too few people to help. However, with the rise of virtual assistance, they can now access a valuable resource that can alleviate their workload and enhance their overall efficiency.

When you need an extra helping hand, look to a virtual assistant.  Most VAs offer a variety of services, from administrative to technical to creative, and will advertise themselves in their area of expertise.  For example, some assistants will focus on designing websites for you and maintaining the website or database after completion.

One of the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant is cost savings.  They will work for you from their own home office; they are not employees, so you do not need to pay employee tax or benefits. Partnering with a VA allows you to pay for the work you need and not for idle time.  Simply put, if there is no work, you don't pay them.

Finding A Virtual Assistant

Finding a reliable virtual assistant begins with clearly defining your needs and expectations. Consider the specific tasks you want to delegate, such as data entry, bookkeeping, tax preparation, or client communication. Look for virtual assistants with a background in accounting or finance to ensure they possess the necessary skills and understanding of your industry.

You can find virtual assistants through reputable online platforms such as VANetworking, the VA industry's market leader since 2003, that connect businesses with skilled professionals. Take the time to review their profiles, read client testimonials, and assess their qualifications and experience. Conduct interviews to ensure a good fit and discuss their availability, communication methods, and work processes.

Pricing a Virtual Assistant

Pricing for virtual assistant services can vary depending on factors such as experience, skill level, and the complexity of tasks. Some virtual assistants charge an hourly rate, while others offer package deals or retainer-based pricing. Consider your budget and the value you expect from the virtual assistant's support. Keep in mind that investing in a skilled virtual assistant can lead to significant time savings and increased productivity.

Benefits of a Virtual Assistant

Short-term Benefits:

Quick Onboarding: Virtual assistants are experienced professionals who can adapt swiftly to new environments and tools. They require minimal training, allowing accountants and CPAs to experience immediate relief from their workload.

Cost Savings: Hiring full-time staff to handle temporary or seasonal tasks can be costly. Virtual assistants offer a cost-effective alternative, as they can be engaged on an as-needed basis, eliminating the need for long-term commitments or benefits packages.

Diverse Skill Set: Virtual assistants often possess a diverse skill set beyond basic accounting tasks. They can offer support in areas such as project management, marketing, research, or customer service, providing additional value to your business.

Long-term Benefits:

Time Savings: Virtual assistants can handle time-consuming tasks such as data entry, report generation, and document organization. By delegating these responsibilities, accountants and CPAs can free up valuable time to focus on core activities, such as financial analysis, strategic planning, and client consultations.

Enhanced Efficiency: Virtual assistants bring expertise and efficiency to repetitive tasks, ensuring accuracy and timely completion. They can assist with bookkeeping, reconciliations, and other administrative duties, reducing the risk of errors and allowing accountants to work with confidence.

Scalability: Virtual assistants provide a flexible solution, allowing businesses to scale their support according to workload fluctuations. During peak periods, such as tax season, virtual assistants can handle the increased demands, preventing overload and burnout among the accounting team.

Incorporating a virtual assistant into the workflow of busy accountants and CPAs can significantly improve productivity, efficiency, and work-life balance. By carefully selecting a virtual assistant with accounting expertise and considering pricing structures, accountants can unlock long-term benefits such as time savings, enhanced efficiency, and scalability. Additionally, the short-term advantages of quick onboarding, cost savings, and a diverse skill set make virtual assistants a valuable resource for accounting professionals seeking to optimize their operations in today's digital age.

Have questions? I'm here to help! Set up a NO OBLIGATION, and TOTALLY FREE call to discover the possibilities!

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Accountants Ethical Behavior

3 Essential Ethical Behaviors for Accountants

Accountants Ethical Behavior

3 Essential Ethical Behaviors for Accountants

virtual assistant

As an accountant, it's crucial to maintain a high level of ethical behavior. After all, you're dealing with sensitive financial information, and your clients rely on you to keep that information confidential.

One of the most important ethical principles for accountants is integrity, meaning honesty and transparency in all your dealings and not engaging in deceptive or misleading behavior.

As an accountant, it is your responsibility to ensure that financial reports accurately reflect your client's financial situation. Therefore, presenting financial information accurately and completely without intentional or unintentional misrepresentations is vital.

Another critical ethical principle for accountants is objectivity. You must remain impartial and avoid any conflicts of interest. For example, having a personal and financial relationship with a client could create a conflict of interest that compromises your objectivity. In such cases, it's essential to disclose the conflict of interest to your client and take steps to manage it appropriately. Do not let personal or financial relationships influence your work; always remain objective when advising your clients.

Confidentiality is also essential for accountants. You must keep all client information confidential and not disclose it to anyone without the client's express permission. This includes not sharing information with colleagues, friends, or family members.

Similarly, if you encounter a situation where you suspect fraud or other illegal activities, it is not only essential to report it promptly to the appropriate authorities; it is your legal obligation. Failure to do so could compromise your ethical responsibilities and expose you to legal liability.

As an accountant, you must always comply with the law and regulations. Therefore, you should keep up-to-date with any changes in legislation and ensure that your clients follow all the necessary rules and regulations.

It's worth noting that ethical dilemmas in accounting can sometimes be complex and challenging to navigate. In such cases, seeking guidance from a professional organization, such as the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), can be helpful.

Lastly, remember that ethics extend beyond your office walls. As an accountant, you represent the accounting profession, and your behavior can have a broader impact on its reputation. So, behave ethically at work and in your personal life.

Just remember, ethics are a critical component of being an accountant, and maintaining a high level of ethical behavior ensures that you build trust with your clients and uphold the integrity of the accounting profession.

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planning success

Client Management Through Daily Planning & Organization

planning success

Client Management Through Daily Planning & Organization

virtual assistant
What do client management and daily planning have in common? For starters, they are two essential skills for any business professional. When done well, these activities can help you stay organized and on top of your work.
Effective client management is essential for ensuring successful productivity. To make sure all of your clients get the attention they deserve, here are some effective strategies you can use for daily planning & organization. Doing this will help you maximize your productivity and ensure swift service to all your clients.


Strategy 1: Establish Clear Goals and Objectives for Each Client

Establishing clear goals and objectives with each client is an important step in building a successful client relationship. Having clearly defined goals ensures that everyone is on the same page and helps to ensure that the project runs smoothly from start to finish. It also allows you to measure progress and success, as well as identify areas for improvement. By setting specific goals with your clients, you can help them achieve their desired outcomes in a timely manner. Furthermore, it will help you build trust with your clients and ensure that they are satisfied with the services provided.


Strategy 2: Use Automation to Your Advantage, Make Your Job Easier

Automated systems can be extremely beneficial for tracking client progress and scheduling appointments. With the help of a calendar app for clients, digital appointment scheduler, and workflow automation software, businesses can save time and money while providing better customer service. Automation also eliminates manual tasks that are time-consuming and prone to human error. By automating these processes, businesses can focus on more important tasks, such as creating content or marketing strategies. Automated systems also allow businesses to track client progress in real time, which helps them make informed decisions quickly. Additionally, automated systems provide an efficient way to schedule appointments with clients without any hassle or confusion.


Strategy 3: Stay Organized With Technology

Staying organized is essential for productivity and success. Setting priorities and utilizing technology are two of the best practices to help you stay organized. With the right task list manager app, you can easily create and manage tasks, prioritize them using various task prioritization methodologies, and track your progress. This will help you stay focused on what’s important and ensure that you don’t miss any deadlines or important tasks. By utilizing technology in this way, you can make sure that your daily tasks are completed on time and that you remain organized throughout the day.

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Get Out Of Your Head For Success


Get Out Of Your Head For Success

virtual assistant

Success in business stems from success in other areas of your life. You can’t really succeed to the extent that you would like to financially without making sure you’re up to par in other parts of your life, such as your mental state and physical fitness.

By keeping up with those parts as well, you’ll be much more well-rounded and able to succeed so much easier. Mental wellness is a very important aspect of your life and it’s extremely important for your success.

Mental health, for many years, was overlooked and not seen as a priority. A new term has emerged in recent years: “high functioning anxiety.” Although it is not yet a mental health diagnosis, it helps to describe something so many are experiencing. It has been shown that mental health is extremely important and is directly linked with your success in life.

You can’t go far in life when you’re struggling with things like anxiety because you’ll always be in your own head and unable to make the advancements you need for success. In her book, The Happier Approach, Nancy Jane Smith, walks people through how to get out of their head and into their body. Shifting your focus is sometimes just what you need!

In order to have a healthy mind, you need to give yourself time to relax and decompress, because, if you’re crowding your life with all work all the time, you’re going to get burnt out and start to dislike the job you’re doing. If you don’t enjoy what you do, it’s going to go downhill fast. You’ll put in less and less effort and you’ll never attain that success that you want.

Just as your mental well-being is important, so is your physical health.

Good physical health allows you to wake up each day feeling refreshed and ready to go, something that’s very important for your happiness and for your success. Being physically active and fit is good for your health, and it also helps you find happiness more frequently.

Keeping your body hydrated, properly nourished, and challenging yourself physically are the best ways to keep you in top physical health. I can hear you saying “but I don’t have time to workout”. Guess what, you really do have the time, you just need to find it.

“Workout, workout as hard as you can, and workout without excuses nor apologies. The discipline of tough physical training is obviously great for mental and physical strength, but over time, it also instills many more important lessons in a gradual and subtle progression. … It is the sheer effort but also the rest, nutrition and focus. These same skills, that are so important to our business and personal life, cannot become better engrained than through challenging training." --Itay Rosenfeld, CEO of Voxbone, a provider of Communications-as-a-Service (CaaS)

Without a healthy mental state and physical fitness, life can become a bit stale. Tracking progress in both of these categories is crucial. When you’re journaling or making notes about your day, talk about things that you’ve done to better your physical and mental health and be specific.

By keeping notes on your progress, you can tweak your methods in order to have better results, especially after seeing what worked for you and what didn’t. Everyone has different needs, so what might work for one person might not work for you. Find your balance.

Remember, as tempting as it is to only focus on success, you need to focus on all aspects of your life in order to truly be successful,. Take a look at  33 Daily Habits, which gives you simple, daily habits of successful entrepreneurs. There’s no fun in being financially well-off if you’re depressed and out of shape.

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tax prep

Hire a Tax Preparer or Go It Alone?

tax prep

Hire a Tax Preparer or Go It Alone?

virtual assistant

Albert Einstein once said, "The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax".

But more and more people are making the move to doing their taxes at home. With programs like andFreeTaxUSA available, the process can be simplified and the refund swift in coming. However, going it alone is not always the wisest or most cost-efficient choice.

Let’s weigh some of the key factors in determining whether you should go it alone, or enlist the aid of a professional tax preparer.

Is it worth your time?
For the self-employed, it may be more advantageous to enlist the services of a professional tax preparer or Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Doing your own taxes, especially those related to a business, takes time. And, time is money.

Do you have the knowledge to glean all of the tax-related benefits involved in owning your own business?
Being self-employed may just be one of the greatest tax strategies of our time. As a self-employed individual, you are in control of your taxable income. With the right know-how, you can fully control how much tax you pay. In fact, there are many tax advantages to being self-employed, and, oftentimes, a professional can find tax savings and deductions related to your business that you may have otherwise overlooked.

Ultimately, for the self-employed, it’s a matter of weighing the cost against the advantages of hiring a professional. Keep in mind, however, hiring a professional can often result in tax savings that more than make up for the cost of the service.

What if you aren’t self-employed? What if you are filing for yourself or your family?
In this case, it may be worthwhile to consider going it alone. Programs like make it easier for you and will walk you through the process step-by-step and often make receiving your refund a simple and expedient process.

Above all else, though, the best rule of thumb to follow in either situation is to trust yourself. Base your decision on whichever route gives you the most peace of mind. If you are comfortable completing the tax forms and utilizing the programs available for going it on your own, then this may be the best route for you. If however, you have any doubts or concerns, your best bet may be to hire a professional tax preparer.

Whatever you decide, download our Tax Preparation Guide and Checklist to help you better prepare.Tax Planner

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