

customer care

Mastering Client Communications: Common Pitfalls and Proven Solutions

customer care

Mastering Client Communications:

Common Pitfalls and Proven Solutions

virtual assistant

Client communications are the secret ingredient that can turn any business venture into a sizzling success or a fizzled failure. Misunderstandings and communication breakdowns can often lead to frustration and delays in your projects. 

Effective client communication is the cornerstone of a successful business relationship, yet it's surprisingly easy for things to go awry. Read on for some common pitfalls in client communication and actionable strategies to overcome them, explicitly tailored to your needs as a small to medium business owner.

Lack of Clarity in Expectations

Unclear expectations are a breeding ground for disappointment. As a business owner, setting clear expectations from the outset is crucial. Clearly outline project scope, timelines, deliverables, and any potential obstacles. Consider creating a detailed contract or service agreement to formalize these expectations.

TaskVA Solution: Implement a robust onboarding process with a detailed project brief or kickoff meeting. Use this opportunity to align expectations with your client and ensure everyone is on the same page from day one. Utilize project management tools like ClickUp or Teamwork to track progress and keep communication transparent.

Poor Timing and Frequency of Communication

In today's fast-paced world, timely communication is essential. Clients appreciate regular updates on the status of their projects and quick responses to their inquiries. Failure to communicate promptly can lead to frustration and erode trust.

TaskVA Solution: Establish a communication schedule with your clients, outlining when and how often you'll provide updates. Set realistic response time expectations and strive to reply to client messages within 24 hours whenever possible. Consider using automation tools like chatbots or email templates to streamline communication and maintain consistency.

Misunderstandings Due to Language or Jargon

Communication breakdowns often occur when clients and service providers speak different "languages." Technical jargon or industry-specific terminology can confuse clients and hinder effective communication.

TaskVA Solution: Adopt a clear, concise communication style that avoids unnecessary jargon. Take the time to explain complex concepts in uncomplicated terms, ensuring your clients fully understand the information. Encourage open dialogue and invite clients to ask questions if they're unsure about anything.

Ignoring Feedback or Criticism

Feedback, whether positive or negative, is invaluable for improving your services and strengthening client relationships. Ignoring or dismissing client feedback can damage your reputation and business growth.

TaskVA Solution: Embrace feedback as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Asking for feedback from your clients throughout the project lifecycle demonstrates a willingness to listen and adapt based on their input. Use feedback to refine your processes, enhance your services, and exceed client expectations.

Inadequate Documentation

Clear documentation is essential for ensuring mutual understanding and accountability. Without proper documentation, important details can be forgotten or overlooked, leading to confusion and disputes.

TaskVA Solution: Create comprehensive project documentation that outlines vital agreements, milestones, and deliverables. Keep your clients informed by providing regular progress reports and updates. Consider electronic signature tools like DocuSign or Adobe Sign to formalize agreements and streamline your process.

Mastering client communication is a critical skill for any business owner. By addressing common communication pitfalls head-on and implementing proactive strategies for improvement, you can foster stronger client relationships, enhance project outcomes, and ultimately drive business success.


Ready to take your client communication to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about our tailored customer care program and how we can help elevate your business.

Do you control your day, or do your tasks control you? Take our short quiz and find out. The results may surprise you (or maybe not).

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marketing strategy

Spring into Action: Revitalize Your Marketing Strategy

Spring into Action: Revitalize Your Marketing Strategy

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As the chill of winter melts away and nature bursts forth with vibrant colors and new life, it's time to infuse that same energy into your marketing strategy. Spring is not just a season of renewal for Mother Nature; it's also the perfect time to breathe new life into your marketing efforts.

Let's explore some fresh, seasonally inspired strategies to revitalize your marketing this spring:

Blooming Social Media Presence:

Like flowers blooming in the springtime, your social media presence should burst forth with color and vibrancy. Share engaging content that reflects the spirit of the season – think outdoor activities, spring cleaning tips, or even playful Easter-themed posts. Don't forget to leverage hashtags related to spring events and holidays to increase visibility.

Freshen Up Your Content:

Spring is all about new beginnings, so why not freshen up your content? Consider creating spring-themed blog posts, videos, or infographics that resonate with your circle of influence during this time of year. Whether it's tips for spring cleaning, ideas for outdoor activities, or seasonal recipes, tailor your content to align with the springtime vibe.

Grow Your Email List with Spring Giveaways:

Spring is the perfect time to grow your email list and nurture relationships with clients and prospects. Consider hosting a spring-themed giveaway or contest where participants can enter by subscribing to your email list. Offer prizes relevant to the season, such as gardening kits, picnic baskets, or tickets to outdoor events.

Spruce Up Your Website:

Just as you would tidy up your home for spring, refresh your website. Update your visuals with bright, cheerful images that evoke the spirit of the season. Consider adding seasonal promotions or discounts to entice visitors and keep them engaged.

Embrace the Power of Video:

With the longer days and warmer weather, people spend more time outdoors. Take advantage of this by incorporating video into your marketing strategy. Whether behind-the-scenes footage, product demonstrations, or customer testimonials, video content can help you connect with your audience more authentically and engagingly.

Now, I know what you're thinking – all these strategies sound fantastic, but who has the time to implement them all? Well, that's where I come in! As your trusty virtual marketing partner, I can help take some of the spring cleaning tasks off your plate, allowing you to focus on what you do best – running your business.

From managing your social media accounts to creating fresh, compelling content, I've got you covered.

Are you ready to breathe new life into your marketing strategy this spring? find out more?

Let's make it happen – together!

Cheers to a season of growth, renewal, and success!

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Eco Friendly Business Practice

Unlock Growth: How Eco-Friendly Practices Drive Business Success

Eco Friendly Business Practice

Unlock Growth: How Eco-Friendly Practices Drive Business Success

virtual assistant

Are you ready to elevate your business while championing sustainability? Today, we're diving into the world of eco-friendly practices and how they can fuel your business growth. Yes, you heard it right – going green isn't just good for the planet; it's a game-changer for your bottom line. 

Think about the café where you get your morning brew. Sustainability is woven into every aspect of your experience – from compostable cups to recycling bins. How does that make you feel as a customer? It makes me feel pretty great! Well, your customers will feel the same about your business when you go green.

But it's not just about warm and fuzzy feelings; going green can bring tangible financial benefits.

I know what you're thinking. "Going green sounds like a massive undertaking!" Not to worry. Start small, set achievable goals, and gradually integrate eco-friendly practices into your operations. Every step counts!

Ready to get started? Here are some actionable tips:

Energy Efficiency: Investing in energy-efficient appliances, lighting, and heating/cooling systems can lead to significant savings on your utility bills. Plus, you may qualify for rebates or tax incentives for making these upgrades. It’s a win-win!

🌱 Reduce energy costs with LED bulbs. Learn more about energy-efficient lighting options at Energy Star.

Waste Reduction: By reducing waste and implementing recycling and composting programs, you can cut down on disposal costs. Plus, you might find opportunities to repurpose materials or even generate additional revenue through recycling initiatives.

🌱 Digitize your documents and processes to reduce paper waste and streamline your operations. Not only is it better for the environment, but it can also improve efficiency and accessibility.

Supply Chain Optimization: Choosing eco-friendly suppliers and materials can not only reduce your environmental footprint but also streamline your supply chain and potentially lower costs. Plus, consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable products, so going green could give you a competitive edge in the market.

🌱 Streamline operations and reduce costs by choosing eco-friendly suppliers. Join the Green America Business Network to access sustainable supply chain resources.

Brand Reputation: Consumers today are more socially and environmentally conscious than ever before. By aligning your business with sustainable practices, you can attract and retain customers who value ethical and eco-friendly businesses. This positive brand reputation can lead to increased customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.

🌱 Source products made from sustainable materials or with minimal packaging to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. 

Employee Engagement: Going green can also boost employee morale and productivity. When your team feels proud to work for a company that cares about the planet, they’re more likely to be engaged and motivated. Plus, implementing eco-friendly initiatives can foster a culture of innovation and creativity within your organization.

🌱 Embrace remote work options for your employees to reduce commuting emissions and overhead costs associated with office space. Discover more tips on inspiring your team from Carbon Trust.

Going green isn't just a trend – it's a strategic move that benefits your bottom line and the planet. So, what are you waiting for? Start embracing the green today. Your business, your customers, and the Earth will thank you for it!

Unlock Growth: How Eco-Friendly Practices Drive Business Success Read More »

daily planning for small business owners, time management strategies, effective task management, productivity tools for entrepreneurs, time blocking techniques, digital productivity apps, self-care for professionals, optimizing daily workflow, virtual assistant services.

Mastering Daily Planning: A Blueprint for Small Business Owners

daily planning for small business owners, time management strategies, effective task management, productivity tools for entrepreneurs, time blocking techniques, digital productivity apps, self-care for professionals, optimizing daily workflow, virtual assistant services.

Mastering Daily Planning: A Blueprint for Small Business Owners

virtual assistant

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by your never-ending task list? As a small business owner, your days are likely filled with a myriad of tasks and responsibilities, making effective daily planning essential for staying on top of things and achieving your goals. Keep reading for actionable strategies tailored purposely to enhance your productivity and get things done.

1. Set Clear Priorities: Effective daily planning starts with setting clear priorities like managing your finances or closing a real estate deal. Identify the most important tasks that align with your business objectives and focus your energy on completing them first. Tools like the Eisenhower Matrix can help you categorize tasks based on urgency and importance, allowing you to allocate your time and resources more efficiently.

2. Utilize Time Blocking: Time blocking is a game-changer for small business owners. You can minimize distractions and maximize productivity by allocating specific time slots for different activities throughout your day. Whether it's client meetings, accounting tasks, or property viewings, dedicating uninterrupted time to each task ensures that nothing falls through the cracks.

3. Embrace Technology: In today's digital age, there's a plethora of productivity tools and apps designed to streamline your daily planning process. From project management platforms like ClickUp and Asana to scheduling apps like Calendly, leveraging technology can help you stay organized, collaborate with team members, and automate repetitive tasks. Incorporating these tools into your workflow can save you time and reduce administrative burden, allowing you to focus on growing your business or serving your clients.

4. Regularly Review and Adjust: Effective daily planning is not a one-size-fits-all solution. As your business evolves and market dynamics change, reviewing and adjusting your planning strategies regularly is important. Take time at the end of each day or week to reflect on what worked well and what could be improved. You can fine-tune your approach and stay ahead of the curve by staying flexible and adaptable.

5. Practice Self-Care: Last but not least, don't forget to prioritize self-care in your daily planning routine. Running a small business, managing the finances, and staying on top of trending marketing can be mentally and emotionally taxing. Make sure to schedule time for activities that recharge your batteries, whether it's exercise, meditation, or spending quality time with loved ones. Remember, caring for yourself is essential for maintaining long-term productivity and well-being.

Are you ready to take your productivity to the next level? Consider hiring a virtual assistant to delegate time-consuming tasks and free up valuable time for high-impact activities. A virtual assistant can handle administrative tasks, manage your schedule, and provide support, allowing you to focus on growing your business and serving your clients better. Learn more today!

Implementing these strategies into your daily planning routine can supercharge your productivity and take your business to new heights. Remember, effective daily planning is not just about checking off tasks—it's about aligning your actions with your goals and priorities so that you can work smarter, not harder.

Consistency is key when it comes to mastering daily planning. Stay committed to implementing these strategies; you'll soon achieve more with less stress. Here's to your success!

Mastering Daily Planning: A Blueprint for Small Business Owners Read More »

tax preparation dilemma

Tax Preparation Dilemma: DIY or Hire an Expert?

tax preparation dilemma

Tax Preparation Dilemma: DIY or Hire an Expert?

Are you facing the age-old dilemma of hiring a tax preparer or tackling your taxes on your own? It's a question that plagues many small to medium business owners like yourself. After all, the decisions we make regarding our finances can have a significant impact on our bottom line.

Going solo has its perks, and one of them is complete control. You have a firm grip on your financial reins, and every decision is yours to make. You can pick your tax software, set your own schedule, and, in the process, save a bit of cash.

If you're tech-savvy, handling online tax software should be a breeze. Platforms like TurboTax and TaxAct can guide you through the process, providing step-by-step instructions. Plus, there's a wealth of online resources at your fingertips, from IRS publications to YouTube tutorials.

Pros of going solo:

  1. Cost Savings: Doing your taxes yourself can save you money, as you won't have to pay a tax preparer's fees.
  2. Empowerment: You gain a deep understanding of your business's financials, which can empower you to make better financial decisions.

Cons of tackling your own taxes:

  1. Complexity: Tax laws are intricate; navigating them without expertise can lead to costly mistakes.
  2. Time-Consuming: Preparing your taxes can be time-consuming, taking you away from other critical business tasks.

On the flip side, hiring a tax preparer is like having a trusty guide who knows the ins and outs of the tax landscape. They're the experts in tax codes, deductions, and credits. They can spot opportunities for you to save money that you might have overlooked.

By outsourcing your tax preparation, you free up valuable time that you can dedicate to your clients or grow your business. You won't have to worry about deciphering complex tax jargon, and you'll have peace of mind knowing that a professional is handling your finances.

Pros of hiring a pro:

  1. Expertise: Tax preparers are well-versed in tax laws and can help you maximize deductions and minimize liabilities.
  2. Time Efficiency: They save you valuable time that you can redirect toward growing your business.

Cons of outsourcing:

  1. Cost: Hiring a tax preparer comes at a price that can impact your budget.
  2. Dependency: Relying on a tax preparer may mean you're less hands-on with your finances.

Which path you should choose really boils down to your unique situation and preferences.

If you're confident in your ability to navigate the tax maze, have the time to spare, and are budget-conscious, going solo might be the right choice. It's a valuable learning experience and can save you some bucks.

On the other hand, if you'd rather focus on your clients, want the assurance of expert guidance, and are willing to invest in professional services, hiring a tax preparer is a wise move.

Consider your own financial acumen, the complexity of your business, and the resources at your disposal. Whether you choose to sail solo or enlist the expertise of a tax preparer, remember that the ultimate goal is to ensure your business stays on a steady course toward success.

Tax Preparation Dilemma: DIY or Hire an Expert? Read More »

Tax Season Tips

Mastering Tax Season: 7 Essential Tips for Small Business Owners

Tax Season Tips

Mastering Tax Season: 7 Essential Tips for Small Business Owners

virtual assistant

Tax season is upon us, and I know how crucial it is to navigate it smoothly. That's why I've put together these seven essential tips to help you make the most of this period.

By following these tips, you can simplify your tax season and potentially save money in the process. Remember, taxes are a part of running a business, but with the right approach, you can make the most of them.

1. Get Organized from the Start

The key to a successful tax season is organization. Start by gathering all your financial documents, receipts, and records in one place. Use digital tools and apps to streamline the process, making accessing everything you need when filing your taxes easier.

2. Understand Deductions

Deductions are your best friends during tax season. Familiarize yourself with the tax deductions available for small-to-medium business owners. Knowing what you can deduct from office expenses to home office deductions can save you a significant amount.

3. Keep and Eye on Deadlines

Missing tax deadlines can lead to penalties and headaches. Mark important dates on your calendar, such as the filing deadline and estimated tax payment due dates. Consider setting up reminders to ensure you never miss a deadline again.

4. Maximize Retirement Contributions

Contributing to a retirement plan not only secures your financial future but can also lower your taxable income. Explore retirement options like SEP IRAs or 401(k)s that offer tax advantages to small business owners.

5. Consider Tax Software

Tax software such as Turbotax and TaxAct can simplify the filing process and help you avoid costly mistakes. Invest in reputable tax software tailored to your needs, whether for your business or your personal requirements.

6. Seek Professional Advice

Sometimes, taxes can get complex, especially if you have unique circumstances. Don't hesitate to consult a tax professional. They can provide valuable insights and help you optimize your tax strategy.

7. Plan for Next Year

Tax season isn't just about the present; it's also an opportunity to plan for the future. Review your financial situation and adjust your tax strategy accordingly. Explore tax-saving investments and strategies for the upcoming year.

Tax time doesn't have to be a daunting task. With these tips, you'll be better prepared to tackle your taxes efficiently and make the most of available deductions. Stay organized, be proactive, and consider seeking professional advice when needed. Here's to a successful and stress-free tax season!

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time management

7 Strategies For More Productivity

7 Strategies For More Productivity (and why they work!)

time management
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One of the most difficult things about planning your day effectively is prioritizing your daily goals. With so many things that we want to accomplish each day, it can be tough to decide where to start. I’ve put together eight different strategies and why they work. Choose the best one for you, or mix them up. There is no right or wrong way as long as you make the most of your time and achieve your goals!

The Warren Buffet Strategy

This strategy has three steps:

Step 1: Write down your top twenty-five goals. These could be career goals, personal goals, weekly goals, annual goals, etc.)

Step 2: Go over your list and circle your top 5 goals. Make sure to take some time with this part; don’t rush it!

STOP – Do NOT proceed to Step 3 until you have first done the two steps above.

Step 3: Now you essentially have two lists: the circled items are List A, and the remaining items are List B. So logically, the next thing to do is start on your most important tasks. Well, not exactly. Here’s the catch – Buffet says this, “Everything you didn’t circle just became your Avoid-At-All-Costs list. No matter what, these things get no attention from you until you’ve succeeded with your Top 5.” For Step 3, you only want to focus on working on the items on List A.

Why it works:

Eliminating things you care about is the most difficult part of this productivity method. Those twenty items on List B are things you care about, just like the items on List A. They are tasks that important to you for one reason or another. It’s super easy to tell yourself that you’re being productive while spending time on those twenty tasks. But when you hold them up to your top five goals, those other tasks are simply distractions from your biggest goals. Spending your limited time on secondary priorities may just be the reason you still have twenty half-completed projects instead of five finished ones.

The Ivy Lee Strategy

Step 1: At the end of each day, jot down the six most important tasks you must accomplish the next day. ONLY six. Don’t write more than that. These can be work or personal tasks. (You could actually do a separate list for both!)

Step 2: Prioritize those six tasks in order of how important they are and how much they will impact your end goals.

Step 3: The next day, when you start working, focus ONLY on the first task. Work on it until it is finished before you move on to the next item on the list.

Step 4: Continue down the list, marking off each item as you complete it. Remember, you prioritized this list yesterday, so there’s no need to jump around between tasks – stick with the priority order you already lined up.

Step 5: At the end of the day, move any tasks you didn’t complete to a new list of six tasks for the next day. This is also a good time to re-evaluate each item and decide if it’s really one of the most important tasks you need to complete.

Step 6: Repeat this process every day (or every working day)

Why does it work?

Simply put, it works because it’s simple. This strategy requires you to make hard decisions. Trimming the fat is one of the best things you can do when your brain is full of ideas or you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list. It forces you to get really serious with yourself when you focus on eliminating those tasks that aren’t absolutely necessary. We all have a myriad of things we’d like to do, and we may even consider many of those things to be tasks we must do. But the truth is that imposing limits on yourself can make you a more productive person. If you try to do everything, you usually get nothing meaningful accomplished.

This strategy also eliminates the friction of starting. For most people, getting started is the biggest hurdle! Creating your prioritized list the day before allows you just to sit down and get to work the next day without spending hours waffling back and forth about what to work on. Just getting started is as important to your success as finishing.

Finally, effective productivity strategies require focus, and this strategy works because it gets rid of multi-tasking. As much as people like to think they are multi-tasking machines that can accomplish all the things at once, science says otherwise. Multi-tasking has been shown repeatedly to be inefficient. You can’t do great on the task when your attention is divided a million ways.

The Anthony Trollope Strategy

This strategy is even more simple than the others. Trollope simply did the following:

Step 1: Set a timer for 15 minutes.

Step 2: Write 250 words before the timer goes off.

Step 3: Repeat 12 times throughout the day for a total of 3 hours.

With this simple method, Trollope completed 47 novels, 18 non-fiction books, 12 short stories, and 2 plays, in addition to multiple articles and letters.

This division of time allowed me to produce over ten pages of an ordinary novel volume a day, and if kept up through ten months, would have given as its results three novels of three volumes each in the year…” —Anthony Trollope

Why does it work?

Anthony Trollope was an author (obviously), and writing a book is a pretty big project. It’s impossible to complete in one sitting, much less one day. So instead of tracking progress by how many books or chapters he wrote, Trollope simply aimed for 250 words in 15 minutes, multiple times a day. This made him feel accomplished and successful each day because, even though he wasn’t writing an ENTIRE book that day, he was completing 3,000 words towards the overall project daily.

Measuring progress in smaller increments helps you to keep the momentum going throughout a bigger task. And more momentum means more progress, which means even more tasks will get completed overall. This strategy applies to any big projects, not just writing ones. Think about how you can break your tasks out into highly productive, 15-minute segments throughout the day.

The quicker you finish a task and check it off of your to-do list, the faster you will feel like you are being productive and effective each day. This early win can be a crucial part of keeping your attitude upbeat, and your drive going as you complete the remainder of your tasks throughout the day.

Simply put, Anthony Trollope’s strategy allows you to get the immediate payoff of finishing a task quickly and the long-term value of working on your most important goals.

The Eisenhower Matrix Strategy

The Eisenhower Matrix strategy uses a decision matrix to help you prioritize the tasks on your to-do list. There are four different categories: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important.

Urgent and important – these are tasks you need to do right away

Important, but not urgent – these are tasks you should schedule to do later

Urgent, but not important – these are tasks you can (and should!) delegate to someone else

Neither urgent nor important – these are tasks that you should just remove from your to-do list completely

As you start each day, it’s important to look back at the previous day’s matrix to see what urgent and important tasks you didn’t complete. Those need to either be at the top of your list for the day or decide if you can delegate them right away. Or they aren’t as urgent as you initially thought, and you can move them to the section of the matrix for later scheduling. Remember, urgent tasks are those you need to react to or take action on right away, whereas important tasks help you reach your long-term goals.

Why does it work?

One of the best things about the Eisenhower Matrix is that you can use more than one for bigger plans (weekly, monthly, etc.) and for smaller daily tasks as well. The other great thing about it is that you can use it to help you make decisions and prioritize over and over.

But what really makes it shine? The Eisenhower Matrix requires you to make tough decisions about your goals and all the tasks on your plate. The secret is the fourth quadrant of the matrix, the tasks that are not important or urgent.

Too often, we equate busyness with productivity, and that is not the case. In fact, the fastest way to get something “done” is to eliminate it entirely. This strategy allows you to regularly evaluate each task and ask yourself, “Do I really need to be doing this?” It takes a little more thought and effort, but the time and energy you save on those eliminated tasks will be well worth it!

The Essentialism Strategy

Essentialism, at its core, is about discernment in how you make decisions – with a slow, carefully considered “yes” or a quick, decisive “no.” It’s about recognizing all of your responsibilities and homing in on what is most essential to you. Being more intentional about your choices will give you more control over your daily life and, therefore, more time and energy available for productivity.

Step 1: Write each task down on a separate piece of paper (like a sticky note).

Step 2: Look at everything you have written before you and ask yourself, “If I could only keep one of these, which would it be?” Place the chosen task’s paper face down.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 again with the remaining tasks. Once you’ve selected one, place it face down on top of the first task you selected.

Step 4: Repeat until all the papers are in one stack.

Step 5: Flip the stack over and work from the top, as you’ve just prioritized your to-do list!

Why does it work?

Saying “yes” to everything (or making no decision at all) means giving up your choice and losing control. Your purpose is greater than just being someone else’s workhorse. When you don’t make your own choices, you can’t work towards where you want to be, in either work or life. This often results in being overextended, stressed, frustrated, and less effective. Practicing discernment and saying “no” more frequently can take some work, but it gets easier as you go.

Personal Kanban Strategy

Personal Kanban is a system based on Lean manufacturing principles but applied on a personal level. Personal Kanban only has two rules: make your list visual and limit your work-in-progress (WIP). It’s a strategy that anyone can use, regardless of their situation, age, or learning style. Its visual nature is also great for those struggling with figuring out where to begin working on daily tasks.

Step 1: Create a board or poster with three columns: To-Do, In Progress, and Complete.

Step 2: Make a sticky note (also called a “card”) for each thing you need to complete.

Step 3: Add each sticky note to the To-Do column.

Step 4: Label each sticky note task as high, medium, or low priority

Step 5: Choose 2-3 tasks, place them in the In Progress column, and get to work.

Step 6: Move it to the Complete column as you complete each task. Then take another task from the To-Do column and move it over to In Progress.

Step 7: Rinse and repeat.

Why does it work?

Personal Kanban gives you a visual system to prioritize your tasks to promote balance and productivity. People often overextend themselves or bounce between unfinished products, so having a visual reminder of the In Progress tasks helps keep you on track and focused. Make sure to always move a new task into the In Progress column as you complete other tasks. This ensures that you will have a steady flow of tasks, which leads to increased productivity and effectiveness. It’s also a great way to keep you focused on only 2-3 tasks at any given time, helping prevent overwhelm and burnout.

The Attention Span & Energy Strategy

This strategy utilizes block scheduling to maximize your most productive times during the day. Your attention span and energy levels greatly impact productivity and distractibility. Focusing on harder and more time-consuming tasks during your most alert and productive hours will yield much better results.

Step 1: Evaluate your current calendar/schedule – Start by tracking how you spend your time for a week. Include every activity (even the mindless social media scrolling!) and how much time you spend on each thing. Once you have a better idea of how you are spending your time, it will be much easier to create a new, more efficient schedule.

Step 2: Look for patterns – Review your activities from the previous week and group the tasks into categories such as meetings, creative work, email, social media, household tasks, family time, etc. Alternatively, you can categorize tasks based on how you feel while doing them or how they impact your energy levels on a scale from 1 to 10. Any method will work; it’s all about what makes the most sense for you.

Step 3: Organize your time blocks – Use the categorization in Step 2 to help you lay out blocks of time throughout the day. Be sure to plan the most intensive tasks during your high-energy times. You may have to play around with the schedule to find what works best for you, but here’s an example for inspiration:

8:00-9:00 am – Check and respond to emails
9:00-10:00 am – Marketing tasks
10:00-10:15 am – Snack/walk break
10:15 am-10:45 am – Fold laundry and clean bathrooms
10:45-11:45 am – Phone calls
11:45-12:15 pm – Lunch/walk break
12:15-1:00 pm – Prep things for dinner
1:00-2:00 pm – Outsourcing check-ins/assignments
2:00-2:30 pm – Customer support tasks
2:30-3:30 pm – Graphic design work
3:30-4:00 pm – Evaluate today’s progress and create a schedule for tomorrow

Bonus Tip: Create day themes – some people find that switching gears during the day causes them to get distracted and lose focus. If that’s the case for you, try day themes instead. Monday can be marketing day, Tuesday can be a creative workday, etc. If you choose to go this route, be sure to schedule in a family/rest day as well to rejuvenate yourself.

Why does it work?

Block scheduling can be a great tool to combat procrastination. When you know you only have 30 minutes to get something done, staying focused and on task is much easier. It’s also a good way to get a better grasp of how much time it takes you to complete different tasks. We tend to underestimate how long things will take to complete – using a block schedule for a few weeks will give you a better idea of how much time you really need to complete things. Finally, when your schedule doesn’t allow space for mindless tasks like chatting with friends or scrolling social media, you’ll find it much easier to pay attention to the task at hand.

And finally, Newton’s Third Law of Motion says,

“When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body. (Equal and opposite forces.)”

When it comes to enhancing your productivity and efficiency, you have two paths to choose from. The first path involves amplifying your productive forces; however, this can sometimes lead to exhaustion and burnout. The second path, and perhaps the smarter one, is to concentrate on removing the unproductive forces from your life. Think of it as clearing away the clutter on your path to success. By doing so, you will reduce stress, lighten your load of responsibilities, embrace a healthier lifestyle, and set clear boundaries. It's all about dismantling the barriers that obstruct your progress.

If you're ready to take a proactive step towards reclaiming your productivity and achieving more, consider the immense benefits of hiring a virtual assistant. By entrusting time-consuming tasks and administrative burdens to a skilled VA, you'll free yourself to focus on your core strengths and passions, boosting your productive forces without the risk of burnout. It's a strategic move that can help you eliminate those unproductive forces from your work-life equation, propelling you toward greater efficiency and success.

Take action today and discover how a virtual assistant can be the missing link in your journey to enhanced productivity. Let's chat and explore the possibilities together.

7 Strategies For More Productivity Read More »

defining a virtual assistant

Getting the Help You Need Virtually

defining a virtual assistant

Getting the Help You Need Virtually

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In today's fast-paced business world, accountants and Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) often find themselves overwhelmed by a multitude of tasks. Keeping up with all of the routines can be difficult. There are fifty million things to accomplish in one day with too little time and too few people to help. However, with the rise of virtual assistance, they can now access a valuable resource that can alleviate their workload and enhance their overall efficiency.

When you need an extra helping hand, look to a virtual assistant.  Most VAs offer a variety of services, from administrative to technical to creative, and will advertise themselves in their area of expertise.  For example, some assistants will focus on designing websites for you and maintaining the website or database after completion.

One of the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant is cost savings.  They will work for you from their own home office; they are not employees, so you do not need to pay employee tax or benefits. Partnering with a VA allows you to pay for the work you need and not for idle time.  Simply put, if there is no work, you don't pay them.

Finding A Virtual Assistant

Finding a reliable virtual assistant begins with clearly defining your needs and expectations. Consider the specific tasks you want to delegate, such as data entry, bookkeeping, tax preparation, or client communication. Look for virtual assistants with a background in accounting or finance to ensure they possess the necessary skills and understanding of your industry.

You can find virtual assistants through reputable online platforms such as VANetworking, the VA industry's market leader since 2003, that connect businesses with skilled professionals. Take the time to review their profiles, read client testimonials, and assess their qualifications and experience. Conduct interviews to ensure a good fit and discuss their availability, communication methods, and work processes.

Pricing a Virtual Assistant

Pricing for virtual assistant services can vary depending on factors such as experience, skill level, and the complexity of tasks. Some virtual assistants charge an hourly rate, while others offer package deals or retainer-based pricing. Consider your budget and the value you expect from the virtual assistant's support. Keep in mind that investing in a skilled virtual assistant can lead to significant time savings and increased productivity.

Benefits of a Virtual Assistant

Short-term Benefits:

Quick Onboarding: Virtual assistants are experienced professionals who can adapt swiftly to new environments and tools. They require minimal training, allowing accountants and CPAs to experience immediate relief from their workload.

Cost Savings: Hiring full-time staff to handle temporary or seasonal tasks can be costly. Virtual assistants offer a cost-effective alternative, as they can be engaged on an as-needed basis, eliminating the need for long-term commitments or benefits packages.

Diverse Skill Set: Virtual assistants often possess a diverse skill set beyond basic accounting tasks. They can offer support in areas such as project management, marketing, research, or customer service, providing additional value to your business.

Long-term Benefits:

Time Savings: Virtual assistants can handle time-consuming tasks such as data entry, report generation, and document organization. By delegating these responsibilities, accountants and CPAs can free up valuable time to focus on core activities, such as financial analysis, strategic planning, and client consultations.

Enhanced Efficiency: Virtual assistants bring expertise and efficiency to repetitive tasks, ensuring accuracy and timely completion. They can assist with bookkeeping, reconciliations, and other administrative duties, reducing the risk of errors and allowing accountants to work with confidence.

Scalability: Virtual assistants provide a flexible solution, allowing businesses to scale their support according to workload fluctuations. During peak periods, such as tax season, virtual assistants can handle the increased demands, preventing overload and burnout among the accounting team.

Incorporating a virtual assistant into the workflow of busy accountants and CPAs can significantly improve productivity, efficiency, and work-life balance. By carefully selecting a virtual assistant with accounting expertise and considering pricing structures, accountants can unlock long-term benefits such as time savings, enhanced efficiency, and scalability. Additionally, the short-term advantages of quick onboarding, cost savings, and a diverse skill set make virtual assistants a valuable resource for accounting professionals seeking to optimize their operations in today's digital age.

Have questions? I'm here to help! Set up a NO OBLIGATION, and TOTALLY FREE call to discover the possibilities!

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planning success

Client Management Through Daily Planning & Organization

planning success

Client Management Through Daily Planning & Organization

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What do client management and daily planning have in common? For starters, they are two essential skills for any business professional. When done well, these activities can help you stay organized and on top of your work.
Effective client management is essential for ensuring successful productivity. To make sure all of your clients get the attention they deserve, here are some effective strategies you can use for daily planning & organization. Doing this will help you maximize your productivity and ensure swift service to all your clients.


Strategy 1: Establish Clear Goals and Objectives for Each Client

Establishing clear goals and objectives with each client is an important step in building a successful client relationship. Having clearly defined goals ensures that everyone is on the same page and helps to ensure that the project runs smoothly from start to finish. It also allows you to measure progress and success, as well as identify areas for improvement. By setting specific goals with your clients, you can help them achieve their desired outcomes in a timely manner. Furthermore, it will help you build trust with your clients and ensure that they are satisfied with the services provided.


Strategy 2: Use Automation to Your Advantage, Make Your Job Easier

Automated systems can be extremely beneficial for tracking client progress and scheduling appointments. With the help of a calendar app for clients, digital appointment scheduler, and workflow automation software, businesses can save time and money while providing better customer service. Automation also eliminates manual tasks that are time-consuming and prone to human error. By automating these processes, businesses can focus on more important tasks, such as creating content or marketing strategies. Automated systems also allow businesses to track client progress in real time, which helps them make informed decisions quickly. Additionally, automated systems provide an efficient way to schedule appointments with clients without any hassle or confusion.


Strategy 3: Stay Organized With Technology

Staying organized is essential for productivity and success. Setting priorities and utilizing technology are two of the best practices to help you stay organized. With the right task list manager app, you can easily create and manage tasks, prioritize them using various task prioritization methodologies, and track your progress. This will help you stay focused on what’s important and ensure that you don’t miss any deadlines or important tasks. By utilizing technology in this way, you can make sure that your daily tasks are completed on time and that you remain organized throughout the day.

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tax prep

Hire a Tax Preparer or Go It Alone?

tax prep

Hire a Tax Preparer or Go It Alone?

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Albert Einstein once said, "The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax".

But more and more people are making the move to doing their taxes at home. With programs like 1040.com andFreeTaxUSA available, the process can be simplified and the refund swift in coming. However, going it alone is not always the wisest or most cost-efficient choice.

Let’s weigh some of the key factors in determining whether you should go it alone, or enlist the aid of a professional tax preparer.

Is it worth your time?
For the self-employed, it may be more advantageous to enlist the services of a professional tax preparer or Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Doing your own taxes, especially those related to a business, takes time. And, time is money.

Do you have the knowledge to glean all of the tax-related benefits involved in owning your own business?
Being self-employed may just be one of the greatest tax strategies of our time. As a self-employed individual, you are in control of your taxable income. With the right know-how, you can fully control how much tax you pay. In fact, there are many tax advantages to being self-employed, and, oftentimes, a professional can find tax savings and deductions related to your business that you may have otherwise overlooked.

Ultimately, for the self-employed, it’s a matter of weighing the cost against the advantages of hiring a professional. Keep in mind, however, hiring a professional can often result in tax savings that more than make up for the cost of the service.

What if you aren’t self-employed? What if you are filing for yourself or your family?
In this case, it may be worthwhile to consider going it alone. Programs like 1040.com make it easier for you and will walk you through the process step-by-step and often make receiving your refund a simple and expedient process.

Above all else, though, the best rule of thumb to follow in either situation is to trust yourself. Base your decision on whichever route gives you the most peace of mind. If you are comfortable completing the tax forms and utilizing the programs available for going it on your own, then this may be the best route for you. If however, you have any doubts or concerns, your best bet may be to hire a professional tax preparer.

Whatever you decide, download our Tax Preparation Guide and Checklist to help you better prepare.Tax Planner

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7 Tax Tips

7 Tax Time Tips

7 Tax Tips

7 Tax Time Tips

Prepare Now, No Stress Later

virtual assistant

April 15th  will be here before you know it (March 15th for many small businesses). Start getting ready today with our FREE Tax Guide and ChecklistPreparing ahead of time for the filing of your income taxes can reduce your stress.

For many reasons, feelings of dread and the tax season seem to go hand in hand.  Waiting until the last minute to file and scrambling to find your documents will only add to that sense of dread and elevate your stress levels. Follow these seven tips to get organized and file your taxes on time:

1. Collect all income related documents

W-2 Forms: If you held a job in 2023, you should have a W-2 for each job. Find the W-2s for each person in the household that worked. A W-2 contains your wage information and the various taxes that were withheld. Your employer is responsible for getting this form to you by January 31, 2024.

1099s: You should receive a 1099 based on the source of income such as NEC: contract labor, G: unemployment, MISC: school loans, gambling winnings, DIV: Dividends, INT: Interest Income.

1098: You can find payment information on your 1098  for items such as property taxes and school loan payments.

Other income-related documents and Information:

    • Various income and interest statements from your bank or brokerage. Ensure you have a statement for each account.
    • Bank account number: If you’d like your refund deposited into your account, you’ll need your account number and routing number. This information can be found at the bottom of your checks.

Be sure to review all the forms and information. Is everything accurate? It’s not unusual to find a mistake or two. Take the time to review all documents with a fine-tooth comb!

2. Collect all paid receipts

  • Collect any work-related receipts for anything you purchased for your job and didn’t receive reimbursement. If you are self-employed, the list of qualifying items is likely to be much longer. Computers, furniture, marketing expenses, and utilities are all viable deductions for the self-employed. Using a Profit & Loss (Income) statement during the year is a great way to keep it all organized. Bonus: you can track your monthly cash flow at any point and adjust your goals as necessary.
  • Hiring a bookkeeper will take the burden off your plate, and in many cases, it's tax-deductible! 

3. Collect proof of energy-efficient improvements

  • Did you make any energy-efficient improvements during 2023?  You may be able to take a credit of 30% of the cost, limited to $500. Items like insulation and energy-efficient doors and windows qualify. Have your receipts handy.

4. IRA/Retirement Documents

  • Collect proof of your IRA contributions. Cancelled checks or the brokerage statement are ideal. Your employer will provide your 401(k) contribution information.
  • You will also need any payouts you received such as lump-sum distributions. You might have gathered this with your income related documents, so go ahead and put it in a separate pile. This type of distribution is not considered income, but may still be taxable.

5. Social Security Documents

  • Collect social security information for everyone in the household you will be claiming on your return.  The social security number is required to ensure that each child/dependent is only claimed once. If you have a young child, it might be necessary to apply for a social security number. IMPORTANT: You must have a social security number for all dependents before any applicable tax credits will apply. This includes credits such as Earned Income Credit (EIC), Child/Dependent Care Credit, and Child Tax Credit.

6. Charitable Donations

  • Collect information regarding charitable donations. It’s becoming more important with each passing year to be able to detail and substantiate your charitable donations. Receipts are especially important. Taking pictures of donated items isn’t necessary, but recommended. Cancelled checks and credit card statements are also important.

7. Review Last Year

  • Review last year’s tax return. Last year’s return can be useful. You might find a carry forward from last year that should be applied to your current tax return. This is especially true for business gains/losses and depreciation.

Filing taxes doesn’t have to be a stressful process. Organization is the key. Keep track of your important documents and receipts. Take pictures of items you’re donating.

Make next year better than this year. After your return is filed, develop a system to manage your documents and receipts for next year. Choose a place to store everything you’ll need for the next time. A small amount of preparation can make everything easier in the future. When tax season rolls around, you’ll be ready to go!

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Outsourcing: The Key to Success


Outsourcing: The Key to Success

virtual assistant

Think back to when you first set out to build your accounting business. Do you remember what your “wants” were? For most, whether building a small business or becoming an entrepreneur, the first need, or “want,” was to have a successful business that provided the income you needed without overtaking your life.  Working in the Corporate world was sucking your life away. Sure, you had an awesome career, maybe an excellent salary and title, but at what cost? You were missing out on the joy of life for long commutes and long hours. So you decided to take matters into your own hands.

Fast forward – six months? One year? Five years? Are you enjoying your business success and living that full and rich life, both professionally and personally? If you are, Congratulations! But I’d be willing to bet you are still overworked.  So how do you build that successful business and get everything you want? The key is outsourcing.

My Story

My story is very similar to many independent contractors. I was in the Corporate world, living the dream. I had an excellent, well-established career, a fantastic salary and benefits, and a commute from hell. But I loved my job. Then my company had a corporation-wide restructuring, and I found myself without a job. Trying to land another job in an unstable and volatile employment outlook proved futile and frustrating, so I stopped looking and decided to build my own business. My first thought was, “what do I want to be when I grow up.” After careful deliberation, I knew what would make me happiest would be helping others.   I thrived when I was employed as a secretary, an administrative assistant, and even an assistant manager. I was at my best in these positions because I was helping, I felt needed, and I knew I was making someone’s life a little bit easier.

So I did what makes sense to me, leveraged all my years of experience and skill set, and became a virtual assistant. Now I help accountants and CPAs like yourself with those annoying daily tasks, so you have the time to focus on growing that business you worked hard to build. This is the number one reason why virtual assistants exist and why we outsource our skills to you. Keep on reading to learn how outsourcing helps your business.

How Will Outsourcing Help My Business?

Outsourcing can improve your efficiency, cut costs, speed up product creation, and give you time to focus on the important planning and directing that a business owner must do, aside from doing the actual tasks in the business.

Outsourcing adds key resources and skills to your arsenal. No need to learn how to manipulate Excel or take a coding class when you can hire someone to do it when you need it.

Outsourcing means you pay your independent contractor only when they are working on your tasks, and you do not pay for non-productive hours.

When you start to outsource tasks in your business, you’ll notice bottlenecks start to clear up, and tasks are being completed more efficiently. Because the truth is, in most small businesses, the bottleneck is the business owner.

As a business owner, you have a lot to do, but you don’t have to do it all. You started your business to offer your expertise and your point of difference, not spend your day on mundane and overwhelming tasks. By hiring a virtual assistant, you focus your talent on doing things that only you can do.

The truth is, someone else can probably do some things better than you. Because of that, if you outsource to the right people for the right things, you can improve your offers, thus improving your customer satisfaction dramatically.

How Do I Outsource Successfully?

Before you start the search, define what it is you want to have done. Being clear on the parameters of your project is half the battle. Here are seven tips to help you along:

  1. Know What You Want – Prepare a detailed job or project description highlighting the expected deliverables, timetable, and budget.
  2. Hire More Than One – Outsourcing based on the parts of a project, such as writing, editing, and formatting, may turn out a better product. And bonus, if one gets sick, the project doesn’t come to a halt or fall back on you.
  3. Know Your Budget –  This is a very important step. You need to know the range you are able to pay for the projects you’re trying to outsource.
  4. Do Your Research – Visit their website, check out their social media pages, read their reviews and testimonials. Remember the saying, “if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.” Always check up on anyone you plan to work with, especially if they will be associated with your business name. You would do this if you were hiring an employee, and you should do it anytime you plan to have someone work for your company, no matter the status.
  5. Respect Their Business – Chances are, your independent contract will not be exclusive to you as they are not your employee. How many active clients they have or how they produce your deliverables is not any of your concerns. Use a non-compete statement in your contract to protect your business and clients.
  6. Communicate Regularly and Quickly – A regular touch base is important, especially with long-term projects or retainer bases services such as office admin and management. When your virtual assistant has questions, try to respond back as quickly as possible with the answers.
  7. Pay on Time – This is probably the top three if not the number one complaint most virtual assistants and independent contractors have. If you promise to pay them a certain amount of money for their service, pay them according to your agreement. Don’t hire people if you don’t have the funds to pay at that moment.

Outsourcing is the biggest key to your freedom. Remember that many things you need to be done can be done by someone else. You really can hire experts remotely for a lot less than you think and increase the capabilities of your business fast.

Need a virtual assistant? Schedule a call with me personally! Let's talk about your business and how I can help you.

Not sure what you can outsource to a Virtual Assistant? Download my helpful checklist and discover all the tasks you shouldn't be doing!

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