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Time Vampire

What Is Your Time Vampire?

By Tammy | October 22, 2022

Timewasters almost seem as if they’re utterly uncontrollable because they come from outside sources. They can be family, friends, colleagues, and bosses, and others, causing the issue for you. Identify these issues for yourself. Once you realize what’s happening, start setting boundaries, or find a way to work around the person or thing that’s distracting you.

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Anatomy of a Data Breach

By Tammy | October 17, 2022

Despite the prevalence of the breach-centric news cycle, many everyday individuals may not know what a data breach is, how they typically start, and why they occur.

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4 Easy Steps to Keep You Secure

By Tammy | October 5, 2022

4 Easy Steps to Keep You Secure Cybersecurity has become one of the biggest hot topics inside and outside technology circles over the last two years. From securing learning devices due to a rise in digital learning during the COVID-19 pandemic to coping with the fallout of high-profile breaches of national infrastructure such as the […]

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Outsourcing: The Key to Success

By Tammy | September 26, 2022

Think back to when you first set out to build your business. Do you remember what your “wants” were? For most, whether building a small business or becoming an entrepreneur, the first need, or “want”, was to have a business that provided the income you needed without overtaking your life. Working in the Corporate world was sucking your life away. Sure, you had an awesome career, maybe an excellent salary and title, but at what cost? Long commutes, long hours, you were missing out on the joy of life. So you decided to take matters into your own hands.

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10 Tips to Keep Your Online Environment Safe

By Tammy | September 19, 2022

10 Tips to Keep Your Online Environment Safe There are a lot of new opportunities for hackers. New ways to enter your business or home virtually and steal your data, your clients data, your personal information, and even spy on you! You can protect yourself significantly just by following these ten tips. 1. Stay Off […]

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build a business plan

Don’t Rush Into Business! Slow Down and Do This First

By Tammy | September 12, 2022

Everybody wants it now. We live in an instantaneous world – news reaches millions of people as it’s happening. Gone are the days of waiting a week for a letter. I remember writing my cousin and then waiting for her return letter, which was always at least two weeks. Do you remember seeing something you had to have in a magazine and ordering it – 6 to 8 weeks delivery time! So be honest, with online ordering and same-day delivery options, we only begrudgingly accept delivery of over two weeks if that’s the only option we can find.

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vacation mood

8 Tips To Keep The Vacation Mood Going

By Tammy | September 7, 2022

8 Tips To Keep The Vacation Mood Going After a relaxing summer vacation, when it’s time to get back into the swing of office life, it can be hard to get motivated. The days of fun in the sun seem long gone. My sister and I took a cruise a few years back and let […]

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The Power of Persistence

By Tammy | August 29, 2022

Whether or not personality can be ‘changed’ over time is a matter that is contentious among psychologists. However, I believe there are things you can do to make being persistent easier for yourself. But before we can learn to be persistent, we need to first understand why we are not persistent.

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Pros and Cons of Working from Home with Pets

By Tammy | August 22, 2022

This month we’ve had a few days dedicated to our pets – International Cat Day, Black Cat Appreciation Day, and National Dog Day. So many of us are working from home, trying to run our business in this new remote environment, and have become regular fixtures for our pets. So I wonder how many of us have changed our routines to accommodate our new office mates? With this in mind, I thought it would be fun to look at the pawsitive side of home office pets and the not-so-pleasant side.

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looking for a fresh start

5 Questions to Ask When Looking for a Fresh Start

By Tammy | August 15, 2022

5 Questions to Ask When Looking for a Fresh Start That’s it. You’ve had it. Life is just not going as well as you’d like. It’s time for a change, a Fresh Start! Sometimes starting over and cleaning off the slate is just what the doctor ordered. I should know; I’m the Fresh Start Queen. […]

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declutter your desk

Declutter Your Workspace to Boost Productivity

By Tammy | August 3, 2022

Declutter Your Workspace to Boost Productivity August is the perfect month to declutter! A couple of years ago, I followed Marie Kondo’s advice and completely purged and got rid of everything that didn’t give me joy. It was not an easy path to take, but I will admit, I felt much joy after. The feeling […]

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client communication

How To Communicate With Your Client

By Tammy | June 13, 2022

How To Communicate With Your Client As a small accounting firm, your main goal is to deliver an exceptional client experience to everyone who solicits you for business. However, building trust and confidence in your clients isn’t just about offering a great product or delivering world-class service. Well, it is, but it’s also more than […]

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client communication

When Do Clients Need To Hear From Us?

By Tammy | June 6, 2022

During a business transaction, there are critical times that communication is vital to keep clients feeling like you are in touch and engaged with their unique situation.

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Dealing With Distractions

By Tammy | May 23, 2022

In a perfect world you would be so focused on your work that nothing could distract you. But our world is not perfect, and it rarely works that way. So why does something so minor as an interruption mess up our entire day?

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productive people

How Productive People Think

By Tammy | May 4, 2022

Productivity is not just about working hard or being busy. It’s about being effective with your time and resources. Productive people are able to focus on what’s important and make sure that they are using their time wisely.

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